Target Demographic Unpacked

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By the end of this article, you will have all the necessary tools and resources to know what the target demographic or target market is and how should you make one for your business. 

What is a demographic?

Google says, “a particular sector of a population.” is demographic. In the context of digital marketing, it means a set of people that have one or a few of these attributes in common. These attributes are;

  1. What location do they live in?
  2. What location do they work in?
  3. What is their homeownership status?
  4. What is the approximate average household income?
  5. What is their gender?
  6. What age group do they are in?
  7. What social media platform do they use the most?
  8. What is their marital status?
  9. What is their race or ethnicity?
  10. What is their education status?
  11. What industry do they work in?

Each of these eleven attributes affects consumer behavior. For instance, it is very highly unlikely that a person who is not a homeowner would want an upgrade to their kitchen, so it doesn’t make sense to direct “kitchen upgrade renovation” marketing to a group that is not a homeowner. By putting people in these generalized groups, it gets easier for you to understand the market and know the groups do you have to focus on. 

What is a Target Demographic?

Now that we know what is a demographic and how is it defined, we can move forward and see what is a target demographic and why is it important in our digital marketing strategy.

We start by understanding your business. As a small business owner, you started your endeavor to solve a problem in the world. For your business to be successful, you need a lot of people to have that problem and have those people find your product or service. Let’s take a hypothetical example, you noticed that there are hundreds of notes taking apps on the app store but none of them offers you to doodle with your notes. According to you, that feature is very important for your productivity. You decide to make that app and release it on the internet, now to market that app you need to understand the type of people who would want that app. 

To make things easy answer the following 5 questions;

  1. What is the problem that you are solving with your product?
  2. What type of people have that problem?
  3. Is there anyone else trying to solve the same problem?
  4. If yes, why is your product/ service different?
  5. Where on the internet are you most likely to find these people?

Once you have all these answers we can now move to the next step, profiling your target market.

Profiling your target demographic.

In marketing, it is important to have a profile of your ideal customer. Having a profile like this will help you create targeted marketing campaigns so that you are not spending any time or money to target people who will not generate revenue. 

A customer profile includes things like;

  1. Purchasing Power
  2. Lifestyle
  3. Interests
  4. Engagement on social networks
  5. Age
  6. Gender
  7. And other personal information…

The more in-depth you can go while creating the profile, the earlier it is to write content and target other marketing strategies. 

One example of a target audience profile is; Men, 18-25 years old, living in Brampton who are high school graduates and are unemployed and looking for work, also they visit the gym frequently. 


Creating a target demographic profile is the very important first step in your marketing plan. This will act as a guiding light to your digital marketing strategy. 

But, making a detailed customer profile is not a guarantee of success. You still need to conduct keyword research and follow other SEO practices to reach the audience and be successful in your business.

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