Search Engine Optimization

How to Do On-Page and Off-Page SEO for a Business's Success

Introduction: Why do SEO and How Does it Work?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization. You may look at SEO as the key property of any digital marketing plan marketing. If you are not spending your energy to make your business SEO-friendly, you are essentially wasting valuable time and money.


What is SEO-friendly?

Well, over 90% of all sales begin with a search on a search engine. over 80% of all users click only the first 3 – 10 links on a Search Engine Result Page (SERP). The goal of becoming SEO-friendly is to be listed on the top for a given search query.


How does SEO work?

The goal of every search engine is to provide its users with valid and trusted results. Search engines deploy various techniques to achieve that goal. Optimizing a webpage for those specific techniques is SEO.

Learning all the ins and outs of SEO is out of the scope of this webpage, here is a free course from Moz for you to learn the basics. In general terms, SEO can be broadly categorized into two On-Page and Off-Page.


What is On-Page SEO and Why is it So Important?

On-page SEO refers to the optimization techniques that have a visible impact on the webpage. On-Page SEO techniques are generally based on user experience. As mentioned above, search engines want their users to be satisfied with the results they provide.

On-Page SEO includes things like content, weblinks, illustrations, graphics, and more. All these elements on the webpage will affect the user experience. When I am doing SEO for a brand, I make sure that every webpage is focusing on one keyword (the search term/ phrase) or a cluster of related keywords. This ensures that when the user lands on the page they get exactly the information they are looking for.

Internal and external links (weblinks) elevate users’ experience as well. By putting valid and useful links in your content, you let the user to deep dive into a particular topic. search engines see that as you providing value to the user.

One easy way to improve a webpage is by adding infographics or gifs. They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, it may not be true literally, but it is not that far from the truth as well.


What is Off-Page SEO and Why is it Important?

Off-Page SEO techniques are the optimizations done to boost a webpage, which are not done on the said webpage. Meaning, techniques that will increase the authority and trustworthiness of a webpage. Many people think that off-page SEO is just link-building but there is a lot more to it.

I do not discount that link building is one of the most important off-page SEO techniques. The backlinks that you get should be earned, come from high authority pages, and bring qualified traffic to your page. The backlinks you get must be earned and not paid because Google penalizes sites with paid backlinks.

Other off-page SEO techniques include content marketing, social media marketing, and more outreach. The goal that you need to have with a good off-page SEO strategy is to get more traffic to your webpage by methods other than Google’s organic result page.



On-page and off-page SEO techniques are a crucial part of your marketing plan. I make sure that we leave no stone unturned in making your brand rank number one on Google. SEO is a long and time taking process, I make sure that I am on top of your SEO strategy to get you the best results.

Contact us today to see the difference.

The right decision for your marketing strategy

Hi, I am Abhay, I am here to take your project to the next level and get more clients for your business. Just fill-up the form and I will get back to you as soon as possible. Contact me for a Free and No Obligatory quotation.

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